AWP Brand Identity

So what IS brand identity, you ask. No need to Google, it’s right here.

BRAND IDENTITY: A company’s brand identity is how that business wants to be perceived by consumers. The components of the brand (name, logo, tone, tagline, typeface) are created by the business to reflect the value the company is trying to bring to the market and to appeal to its customers.

I wanted 2017 to be the year of reinvention. Andreea Weldon Photography has been my passion for almost 7 years now. It’s the “job” that happens after my 9-5 but is on my mind 24/7. I have had a passion for photography – both taking photos and looking at photos – for a long time. But I didn’t truly fall in love with it until I invested in my first “big camera”. Since then, I haven’t put it down. I’m “that guy” that comes back from a 1 week vacation with 1000 photographs. I am the mom that captures those sweet childhood moments and refers to them often, reminiscing. My daughter, Sophie, who is 2, often says “That is enough, Mommy”. I giggle, take 1 more shot, just to defy her, then put the camera away and be present without a big lens attached to my forehead. Someone once said “a picture is a memory that will last forever”. And that’s always stuck with me because I wholeheartedly agree. Do it, take that photograph right now, don’t wait until “later” or “tomorrow” because life gets in the way and those moments will pass.

But I digress.

My style, my ability, my knowledge, my vision, they have all changed, grown, and developed, over the last 7 years. I jumped in without a real plan or vision and just went with it. And as I entered this 7th year, I was inspired to finally sit down and really think about what my brand identity really is. This brand identity board represents not only my brand but also me. And at the end of the day, it’s not just about the logo, the typeface and the colours, it’s about what my photography style and philosophy are. For me, it’s all about natural light, it’s about that creamy, dreamy, magical golden hour light, it’s about capturing that “realness” in every moment.

2017 is the year of the new brand identity, newly redesigned logo, beautiful new website to showcase my craft (a big thank you to my handy husband for putting it all together for me!), and all the other great things that are yet to come!

xox Andreea


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